We headed down to Pacific Beach to hang out with the Lange's and stay in their tent trailer.  What a great weekend we had!  Saturday was just beautiful and we watched some great sculpters at the sand castle contest.  Some people are so creative! Funny thing is, Tina and Kurt's neighbors from Everett were at the beach building a sand castle of their Husky dog named Dana.  We turned around to look at another team's sand castle and lo and behold, Zach said, 'Hey - I know those people!  That's Tracy's friends Dave and Sheri'!  Too funny!  We walked up to them and introduced ourselves and talked for a bit.  So friendly!  They were staying in nearby Seabrook.  What a small world.  Great weather, great fun and more margaritas!  The kids tried skim boarding but realized there was a learning curve.  They tried and fell but still had fun.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures while they were doing this.  Thanks Tina and Kurt for a fun time!
9/19/2012 01:22:51 pm

Look at you and all your fancy photography!!! Best one...and I know you didn't take it....was your lovely hair your daughter did. You are so beeeeautiful (said like the best friend while eating lunch to whats her name in Bridesmaids) ha!


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