11.19.11  Well, when it rains, it pours!  About the time my cell phone froze up for 5 days, our fridge also decided it was too old and before we knew it -  we lost everything in the freezer!  All half thawed out and soggy!  Yuck!  So, we relied on our fridge in the garage to help us out until we could get a new one.  With lots of research and shopping, we found what we wanted.  Stainless steel, Samsung, with french doors and a freezer down below.  Love it!  The delivery guys had to take off our front door to get the fridge in the house, and then to get it to fit in our fridge space, we had to move up a kitchen cabinet about an inch.  Lots of finnagling but you can't even tell!  Jeff did an amazing job!
11/21/2011 12:20:00 am

Looks good! What happened to all the pictures on the fridge? If you cover the fridge with pictures, it will distract from the fingerprints! :-)

11/21/2011 11:43:17 pm

Ohhh...it is sooo beautiful!!!!! You guys did a great job on the cabinets. You can't even tell...and got all your projects finished before Monday! Sweet!


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