As if Jeff didn't have enough going on this weekend, he also had to repair the portion of our fence that blew down in the recent windstorm.  The fence post actually broke in 2 so he got a new one of  those, some new fencing and some concrete and he was good to go!  He dug out the old post and cement and very cleverly used a chain and some muscle from Zach too to get the old cement out of the hole.  It's all fixed up now and in the spring time when it's nicer we will replace some of the fencing that is on it's last leg.  Good job men!
11/21/2011 12:21:52 am

Wow! I bet the old guy is gonna be sore! Nice work!

11/21/2011 11:40:34 pm

We saw them working by headlight. It looks great now...looks like a lot of work!


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