12.15.11  I luckily had the whole day off to pick up Kylie and get to Zach's away basketball game on time and actually see the whole game.  We thought we started off well.  The other team scored first, no biggie.  We came down with the ball, Zach set a pick and roll and he was triple teamed.  He muscled it up and in it went!  Whistle!  Woohoo!  Chance for a 3 pt play!  Wait, hold on!  The dang referee told our coach that he didn't make it, the ball just hit the bottom of the net and didn't go in.  Hold it!  Yes, it did!  What a bunch of crap!  Anyway, I think it rattled Zach and he missed both is free throws.  Dumn refs! Ooh our coach was mad!  Anyway, Zach played another great game....he's getting so good at playing against these big boys who today the guy outweighed him by at least 80 lbs!  That boy was thick!  Zach uses his long arms to his advantage and even though we lost by 16 points, that was less than last year's blow out.  The Mustangs are now 4-2 with 1 game left, on Jan. 10th.  Then playoffs start.

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