Kylie loves to make cookies!  She was adding her ingredients and as we were cleaning up the kitchen counters, we gave her an accessory!   She looks so cute!
Hooray for Zach!   Zach found out today that after tryouts this week he made the 7th grade basketball team.  We are so proud of him!  Go Mustangs!
11/6/10  My Mom and sisters and I all get together on the anniversary of  Dad's passing just to be together as it's such a hard day.   This year, my Mom was on vacation visiting her sisters in Pennsylvania, and then our family was in Hawaii after Mom got back so we had to postpone until  this weekend.   We always go to Arnie's in Edmonds, it's our tradition now.  This was the 5 year anniversary.  We toasted him as we always do and told him that we loved and missed him tremendously.  This picture was taken from Tina's cell phone so it"s a little fuzzy, but you can see us all!  I love my family!
Zach is currently training with Ryan Appleby. Ryan played basketball at the University of Washington and holds  several school records for three point shooting. His basketball skills are amazing and inspiring. We are very excited for Zach to have this opportunity. Check out Ryan's YouTube video.
11/3/10  Kylie and her friend Lani, (our neighbor girl), decided to rake up leaves in our yard and our neighbors yards.   They had so much fun!  They raked and raked and then I had them throw the leaves in the air and they laughed so hard.   Eventually, Lani went in to eat dinner and another neighbor girl, Sloane, came out to help.  I don't have a picture of her time I'll get it.  Thanks girls for all your hard work.  Won't be long before all the leaves fall off the trees.  What a beautiful fall day, with unusually warm weather.