11/3/10  Kylie and her friend Lani, (our neighbor girl), decided to rake up leaves in our yard and our neighbors yards.   They had so much fun!  They raked and raked and then I had them throw the leaves in the air and they laughed so hard.   Eventually, Lani went in to eat dinner and another neighbor girl, Sloane, came out to help.  I don't have a picture of her though....next time I'll get it.  Thanks girls for all your hard work.  Won't be long before all the leaves fall off the trees.  What a beautiful fall day, with unusually warm weather.
11/6/2010 02:19:40 am

I love fall. I took that picture of the tree lined street in our neighborhood and two days later, the trees were bare!!! Wonderful pictures, the color is gorgeous. Is that your fancy schmancy camera??


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