We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year.  All my sisters were at their in-laws for turkey dinner so we invited my Mom and Gary and Andrea down to share our turkey.  Kylie worked really hard on stamping placecards for everyone and making up some trivia questions, which was a big hit!  Zach worked hard by helping clean up the house.  Thanks to both of you for all your help!  The food was delicious and we had such fun!  After we ate dinner, we squared off in a Wii bowling double elimination tournament.   Some of the adults had never played Wii bowling before but showed to be quick learners.   We even had prizes for 1st and 2nd places and guess what...............................Kylie won 1st place and Zach took 2nd!   Everyone had a lot of fun and it brought more excitement to our already great day.  We are truly thankful for our wonderful families.
12/8/2010 11:20:03 pm

Do I feel a Christmas card photo coming on? Your family pictures turned out wonderful!!!


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