The kids were dismissed from school early today due to the snow and freezing temperatures.    The kids came home and played in the snow with the neighborhood kids.  They had a big snowball fight and then went sledding down the hill near our house with our neighbor Tim and his daugher Sloane.  I didn't get a picture with  Zach with his snow stuff on so he is braving it on the deck.   At 5:30 pm, we had 2 inches of snow on the patio table.   At 6:15 pm, we had 3 inches!  Yikes - it's snowing hard.  School is already 2 hours late tomorrow, we'll see if they don't end up just cancelling altogether.  Jeff just called and the busses are having trouble getting up Smith so we'll see what time Jeff gets here.  Zach just double checked and now there is 3 1/2 inches just 15 min after measuring it the last time!  We'll keep you posted!
11/22/2010 01:00:09 pm

And it keeps on coming, huh???? We must have 5 or 6 inches of now by now!!!! Kids out on the tramp!!!!


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