4.16.11  Kylie's last soccer game was today.  It didn't rain thankfully and we actually got to wear our sunglasses.  Our camera battery was dead so I borrowed my friend Kelly's and took pictures until her battery died too!  Papa and Oma were able to come down for the game and we actually won!  2-0!  Our record for the season was 1-1-4.  Yep, we won 1, lost 1, tied 4!  There was a pizza party at Roundtable to celebrate the girls' season and get some trophies.  Thanks Kylie for a great season - you played very well!  These first 2 pictures were taken from a cell phone and I can't make this one turn - sorry about that!  The girls are getting their trophy from the coach.
4/22/2011 10:15:37 am

Nothing like a muddy spring soccer season! Ummm....sure don't miss it!


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