4.14.11 Kylie finished her map and it looks so good!  She spent a lot of time on this and we are so proud of her.  Mom helped her some, only with the labeling, and not with the painting...she did all that herself.   Good job Kylie!
4.9.11  So the O'Rears were the ones who lovingly put the puppy on the Ford's doorstep.  And since the Ford's kept her, they decided to take the other one in the litter and named her Alice.  Such a cute name eh?  5 year old Sloane named her.  Here's a picture of Alice and 1 of her and Lucy running around in the Ford's yard.  So cute!
4.9.11  A special golden labrador puppy landed on the Ford's doorstep last Sunday evening.  (I was privvy to the information but sworn to secrecy).  They decided to keep her and have named her Lucy - AKA Luscious.  She is adorable.  It's like having a newborn in the house again though as she needs to get up in the middle of the night to go potty.  She is pretty sleepy still and now 8 weeks old.  The Ford boys are thrilled with her and Barbi hopes that excitement and enthusiasm carries them through this puppy phase.  Welcome to the neighborhood Lucy!
4.9.11  Here's another picture of Kylie's salt dough map.  She is slowly but surely getting it painted and next is to label everything.
4.9.11  Last weekend I walked into Kylie's room and this is what I found.   A HUGE mess.  Since we were having Kyiie's birthday sleepover soon, we figured we better get cracking and get things cleaned up.  Wow - I think we might be hoarders......
Our friend Barbi took Jordan, Cole, Zach and Anthony to Bellevue to a place called Sky High.  They have trampolines all over the floors and on the walls.   They jumped and played some dodge ball too.  Her sister Aimee drove up from Whidbey Island with her daughter Breeanna and her boyfriend named Zac to join them.   They had a great time.  Thank you Barbi for taking Zach with you! 
4.8.11 The kids and I went to meet Jeff for lunch down in Kent and then we were off to the movies ..... we saw the new release called Soul Surfer.  It's about the surfer girl named Bethany Hamilton that lost her arm in a shark attack and came back to surf again.  It's very good and a true story.  We got home and it was really sunny so we washed the car and then Zach played basketball with the neighborhood boys and Kylie and I played some boochie ball.  Very fun!  Makes you do funky things in order to get your ball and hoop closest to the home base ball. Zach joined in at the very end but Kylie ended up winning the game!
4.7.11  Kylie and I drove up to Everett to take Mom (Grandma) to her 1st post op appointment.  The Dr. said she is doing so well and was very pleased with her progress so far.  No physical therapy for 5 more weeks yet but she can drive!  She is so excited to take her Precious (that's her car) out and about and to the grocery store.  No twisting or turning yet either so hopefully her mirrors are well set.  Good job Mom!  And, she looked fabulous!  I forgot to take a new picture of her to show everyone how good she looks but you'll just have to take my word for it.  Keep up
4.7.11  After a very busy day, Kylie and Rocky were pooped out.  Here Kylie fell asleep while watching American Idol and Rocky was faking it as he has an eye open and is watching Jeff and the TV.  Poor girl - hope she doesn't wake up with a kink in her neck!
4.7.11  Kylie's wire broke on her braces so we had to take her in 3 weeks early.   She decided to go with purple bands this time in honor of Easter and springtime!   Her teeth are moving so well!   Next stop is a headgear....