4.3.11  Kylie and I attended an all day girl scout function at Camp River Ranch in Carnation.  It was a wet and cold day, again, and our tootsies froze!  However, they did some activities including knife safety, fire safety, first aid, knot tying and lashing and leave no trace.  Some of these were refreshers but they did enough to earn a badge.  Yay!  Good job girls!
4.2.11  Zach chose to celebrate his birthday by having some friends join him for a friendly game of Laser tag followed by Roundtable pizza.  Jordan, Cole, Araj, Luke and Zach had a lot of fun during laser tag.  Since Kylie was going to be the only girl, she invited her friend Sydney to join in.  They all sweated so they must have had fun.  Pizza was a big hit as well. 
4.2.11  Kylie's soccer game was a rainy, muddy, dirty game yet again this week.  You can see by the pictures how muddy the field was and by the end of the game, Kylie was once again a muddy mess!  Shows you how hard she worked out there, especially in goal the 2nd half.  And, this was our first loss of the season.  We had tied our first 3 games, and this one we lost 1-0.  Oh so close!  Two more games for this season and we are hoping for a decent day tomorrow.
4.1.11  Due to Kylie's choir concert and Zach wanting a special dinner on his birthday, we celebrated with cake and ice cream on Friday night and had our friends over as well.  The Ford's and the O'Rear's joined in our festivities.  Thanks for coming guys!
3.31.11  The same night as Zach's birthday, we attended Kylie's choir concert.  The title was Bullies Anonymous and it was really good.  They sang songs depicting bullying and seeming to glorify it but in the end, there were lessons taught that bullying is not okay in schools, home or life in general.   The kids all did a great job.
3..31.11  Well, it's official!  Zach is now a teenager!  Wow - how did that happen so fast.  And, to top it off, we are now exactly the same height, 5 ft 6 inches tall.  Oh no!  Pretty soon he'll be looking down on me. We went to Red Robin with our friends the Hawley's to celebrate Zach's birthday Red Robin style!  He had a nummy burger and a big milkshake.  They even sang to him and brought him a hot fudge sundae.  Happy Birthday buddy - we love you!
3.30.11  Kylie has started her 4th grade project on Washington State.  They are using a special salt dough recipe and forming the state on a piece of plywood and painting and labeling all kinds of things.  We'll show you her progress and then the final project.  It will be amazing.  Good job Kylie!
Just wanted to let everyone know we appreciate your prayers and support for my Mom as she continues in her recovery phase from her surgery.  She is doing wonderful!  Tina brought her home from the hospital and between Tara, Tina and Tami, she was well taken care of.  She has managed nicely on her own, everyday the pain is getting less and less and she is so happy.  I am actually driving up North today to take her to her first postop appt so I guess we'll wait and see what the Dr. says about her recovery so far.  We'll keep you updated.