4.9.11  A special golden labrador puppy landed on the Ford's doorstep last Sunday evening.  (I was privvy to the information but sworn to secrecy).  They decided to keep her and have named her Lucy - AKA Luscious.  She is adorable.  It's like having a newborn in the house again though as she needs to get up in the middle of the night to go potty.  She is pretty sleepy still and now 8 weeks old.  The Ford boys are thrilled with her and Barbi hopes that excitement and enthusiasm carries them through this puppy phase.  Welcome to the neighborhood Lucy!
4/16/2011 02:58:11 pm

Miss Lucy May is a sweet little good natured puppy! Wish they didn't grow so big! Yes, I hope the excitement goes well past the puppy stage. Like into the pickup big huge horse piles worth of poo stage, fill in the holes she digs stage, take her for long walks so I don't get pudgy stage :-)


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