4.7.11  Kylie and I drove up to Everett to take Mom (Grandma) to her 1st post op appointment.  The Dr. said she is doing so well and was very pleased with her progress so far.  No physical therapy for 5 more weeks yet but she can drive!  She is so excited to take her Precious (that's her car) out and about and to the grocery store.  No twisting or turning yet either so hopefully her mirrors are well set.  Good job Mom!  And, she looked fabulous!  I forgot to take a new picture of her to show everyone how good she looks but you'll just have to take my word for it.  Keep up
4/8/2011 02:58:24 pm

What a gorgeous day to get out and drive! I hope she didn't end up in Canada at the border and keep on going...it was so nice today. Everyone seemed in a better mood! I could get used to this! Way to go Paulette!

4/11/2011 03:01:41 pm

yes, so proud of our mom! And thanks Tanya for taking her to the post-op!


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