Our friend Barbi took Jordan, Cole, Zach and Anthony to Bellevue to a place called Sky High.  They have trampolines all over the floors and on the walls.   They jumped and played some dodge ball too.  Her sister Aimee drove up from Whidbey Island with her daughter Breeanna and her boyfriend named Zac to join them.   They had a great time.  Thank you Barbi for taking Zach with you! 
4/8/2011 03:01:23 pm

So glad Zach could go. It is definitely somewhere that I would take the kids to again. They had so much fun and were sweating profusely after just one hour. Jumping is a workout!!! Little McDonald's drive through action on the way home...and for a total of $20 had a pretty good day!

4/11/2011 03:00:07 pm

Kendra loves Sky High - she went there - I think there is one on 'this side' though..for the New Years Eve all night event. She may even do that for her bday party!


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