My neighbor Kathi asked me if I'd go to hot yoga with her last week.  She has asked me 2 other times and I couldn't ever go so this time I said Yes!  I'll try it!  And, I LOVE IT! You are in a room about 115 degrees, on mats, sweating with the masses when all you've done is literally stand up.  But, as hard as it is, you feel so good when you are done.  I wanted to do it again.  I've now done it 3 times and have even recruited a few other friends to try it too.  What an experience!
4/20/2011 01:00:18 pm

Yay! I'm so excited you tried it! I did it a few times back in Nashville and absolutely love it too...wish I could find an reasonably priced hot yoga place near me :)

4/22/2011 10:14:44 am

I am so glad you have found something you love! I'll try it when I get back from Orlando! It scares me....a lot!


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