4.15.11  Unfortunately this week, I had to say goodbye to someone who has become such a good friend since I met her in September.  My friend Lucie at work.  Due to the economic crisis and healthcare reform, Lucie was laid off this week and we are all so sad.  She has come to mean so much to me with her kind and generous spirit and she just makes me laugh!  I will miss her terribly.  Some of us from work were able to meet up on Thursday at a place called Oddfella's in Auburn to celebrate  Lucie and wish her well in her new adventure.  I know we will stay in touch.  I miss you already my friend.  I can't wait to see you again!
4/16/2011 08:38:27 am

Thanks for posting these pictures! They turned out great and something great to remember everyone by. I'll miss you too, until we meet again!

4/16/2011 03:01:37 pm

So sad when you have to go through these hard times...I hope Lucy finds her hearts passion! She is cute as can be :-)


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