4.15.11  The girls had pizza when they got home from the pool.  They also painted nails and sang songs and danced on the Wii and had lots of fun.  They made sundaes will some nummy toppings and then went outside for a little flashlight Easter egg hunt.  It was misting but they certainly had fun!  They went to sleep at 1 am!  Yikes - I thought they were asleep by midnight....well maybe that was Jeff and I.  We were exhausted by the time the girls fell asleep.  And the final picture, the girls at breakfast although Sydney had to leave before breakfast for a church function.  Thanks girls for coming to Kylie's party!  We hope you had fun!
4/22/2011 10:13:55 am

Delish!!!! Those look good! Not weight in friendly, but YUM!!!!


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