Kylie's girl scout troop was able to enjoy an afternoon at a horse farm in Mt. Vernon as one of the events they earned this year with all their cookie sales.  I even participated and it was so much fun.  My horse's name was Serafina and Kylie's was named Bailey.  We had great weather and our horses gave us a nice trail ride and we did some things in the arena as well.  What a fun way to spend the day!
Papa Gary came down this past Saturday to help Jeff start to build our storage shed in the backyard.  They worked for 14 hours and got a great start!  They put in a solid foundation, the flooring and all the walls are up!  Good job men!  David and Jordan came down to lend a hand as well.  We had to transplant our lacy leaf maple and put in on the back hill so Zach was in charge of digging the hole and Jordan helped him set the tree and cover it up.  Thanks for everyone's help!
The one day last week it was super sunny and Kylie had on her swimsuit and her hair was all wavy from the braid she had all weekend so I had her outside for some fun pictures.  She happily posed and smiled for all of them.  So, in order not to bore you all, here's some of the best ones!  What a cutie!  Look at those dimples!
Our friends and neighbors the Ford's had a BBQ last weekend with the gorgeous weather we had.  The O'Rears, The Wadley's, us and even Amy and Lily Wolf came down for a visit!  So much fun!  The Ford's have the perfect house for the bbq's as they have a trampoline which the kids all love!  David's burgers were delicious and all the side dishes were fabulous and nummy!  Thanks for hosting Barbi and David!
Zach's friend Cole had  a birthday party at the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley in Bellevue last weekend.  Barbi accompanied Tracy and graciously shared her pictures with us.   It's a more upscale bowling alley/night club.  No minors after 9 pm.  Sounds like an adult date night should be in the works!  Thanks Cole and happy early birthday!
Our neighbors, The Allen's, are moving to Mukilteo this summer and their oldest boy Thad, delivers the weekly neighborhood paper.  They asked Zach if he was interested in taking Thad's position.  So, he said yes!  Wow!  His first official job!  They only have to be 12 to deliver papers so we'll see how this goes.  It's just once a week on Thursdays.  The papers are delivered to our doorstep, he'll have to rubber band them, and get them out by 6 pm.  No problem!  Ha - we'll keep you posted on how it goes.  It's just our neighborhood but I think it's 180 homes.  Good job Zach!
Kylie was so excited about our nice weather this weekend that she put up our little 2 man tent in the backyard.  None of us wanted to sleep outside so that was fine with Kylie.  She got Rocky and set herself all up out there no problem.  Well, we were feeling bad that she was out there by herself so around 11 pm, Jeff headed out with a pillow and sleeping bag to keep her company.  He didn't sleep all that well, waking up around 5:30 am, freezing, so he came inside and went to bed.  Kylie woke up at 7:30 am, came inside and asked us why there was an extra sleeping bag in the tent!  Too funny!  She had no idea Jeff had slept with her all night long!  Haha! What a nice Dad!
6.3.11  The student council retreat this year was  an overnight function at Kylie's school.  So, I decided what a fun thing that Kylie and I could do together.   We arrived at 6 pm, to help check in other students and parents and all their overnight belongings.  I was assigned to a girls team, there were 2 girls teams and 2 boys teams.  29 kids in all.  4 went home at 10 pm.  The rest stayed over.  Ms. Kim was in charge of it all and had some wonderfully fun games for the kids.  It was survivor style and strategy games.  Very fun!  The best part was watching them play capture the flag trying to tire them out.  We had a scavenger hunt and then some ice cream.  Then we made our way to the classrooms, boys and girls separated, and layed out our bags and watched Despicable Me and ate popcorn.  It was lights out at midnight, which turned into 12:30 am.  Boy - I was exhausted!  Sleeping in a strange place with some lights still on out by the bathrooms and the bay was a bit distracting.  Needless to say, I had trouble sleeping.  I collectively slept 3 hours and 45 min the entire night!  So, by the time we got home the next morning, I was so tired.  I laid in bed and slept for 3 hours straight.  I woke up at 11:45 am and Jeff and Zach had already been to the store and painted our entire deck.  And, he was working on weeding and mowing the lawn.  I took a shower and thought I was pretty good, however, I laid on 1 couch, napped a little, woke up, moved to the other couch, and then back again.  Felt so lethargic!  Now I really appreciate my sleep so much more!  I had my camera packed away as I was a team leader and very busy doing my job so all I have is a picture of the girls getting ready for bed. 
It was wacky hair day at school last week so Kylie invented her newest design.  We used yellow, green, pink and purple hair spray covering her hair all over with color.  Then, she took her finally grown out long bangs and put them up like a unicorn on her head with ponytail holders.  What a riot! 
So Kylie has had her braces now since November and her dentist decided it was time for a headgear, to be worn at night only, to work on her overbite.  The first night she wore it for 1 1/2 hours before she begged to take it off because it hurt so bad.  So, she took it off.  Gradually over the next few days, she was able to wear it longer and by the 5th night, she wore it all night long.  Funny thing is, sometimes she wakes up in the morning and her wire and her strap are at the foot of her bed!  Say what?  How did that happen?  She is such a restless sleeper that apparently it slips down toward her face and she subconsciously removes it.  Well, we'll see what the dentist says at her next checkup.  She is trying very hard to keep it on all night long.  She doesn't recall anything by morning.  Too funny!