6.3.11  The student council retreat this year was  an overnight function at Kylie's school.  So, I decided what a fun thing that Kylie and I could do together.   We arrived at 6 pm, to help check in other students and parents and all their overnight belongings.  I was assigned to a girls team, there were 2 girls teams and 2 boys teams.  29 kids in all.  4 went home at 10 pm.  The rest stayed over.  Ms. Kim was in charge of it all and had some wonderfully fun games for the kids.  It was survivor style and strategy games.  Very fun!  The best part was watching them play capture the flag trying to tire them out.  We had a scavenger hunt and then some ice cream.  Then we made our way to the classrooms, boys and girls separated, and layed out our bags and watched Despicable Me and ate popcorn.  It was lights out at midnight, which turned into 12:30 am.  Boy - I was exhausted!  Sleeping in a strange place with some lights still on out by the bathrooms and the bay was a bit distracting.  Needless to say, I had trouble sleeping.  I collectively slept 3 hours and 45 min the entire night!  So, by the time we got home the next morning, I was so tired.  I laid in bed and slept for 3 hours straight.  I woke up at 11:45 am and Jeff and Zach had already been to the store and painted our entire deck.  And, he was working on weeding and mowing the lawn.  I took a shower and thought I was pretty good, however, I laid on 1 couch, napped a little, woke up, moved to the other couch, and then back again.  Felt so lethargic!  Now I really appreciate my sleep so much more!  I had my camera packed away as I was a team leader and very busy doing my job so all I have is a picture of the girls getting ready for bed. 
6/7/2011 12:54:05 pm

Hope you caught up on your sleep! Looking a little more alive this week :-)


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