So Kylie has had her braces now since November and her dentist decided it was time for a headgear, to be worn at night only, to work on her overbite.  The first night she wore it for 1 1/2 hours before she begged to take it off because it hurt so bad.  So, she took it off.  Gradually over the next few days, she was able to wear it longer and by the 5th night, she wore it all night long.  Funny thing is, sometimes she wakes up in the morning and her wire and her strap are at the foot of her bed!  Say what?  How did that happen?  She is such a restless sleeper that apparently it slips down toward her face and she subconsciously removes it.  Well, we'll see what the dentist says at her next checkup.  She is trying very hard to keep it on all night long.  She doesn't recall anything by morning.  Too funny!
6/7/2011 12:55:09 pm

Yup. Been there, done that. Ended up with an appliance that cannot "fall" off at night - HA! Hopefully she'll be able to keep it on long enough for it to do it's job!


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