As one of the rewards for Kylie's girl scout troop for selling to their cookies goals and beyond, the troop voted to go to Wild Waves!  It was an overcast day but that meant for shorter lines for all of us.  I wimped out and didn't accompany them on the rides but Jeff and Kelly did for our group so I was the designated picture taker.  The whole group had so much fun!  We rode the dry rides (roller coasters and stuff) first and then did the wet ones.  Believe it or not, even though it was overcast all day long, Zach managed to get a nasty sunburn on his back, shoulders, chest and stomach.....bad mom I am for not insisting on sunscreen or a swim shirt.  I think the group consensus on the best ride was the log ride at the end of the day.  They must have ridden it about 6 times.  Fun to watch them all have so much fun!

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