Our 4th and final stop was the Franciscan Winery.  They mass produce 370,000 cases of wine per year.  Very big winery. We didn't taste wine here but we were able to go out to the vineyards and hear about the harvest process and actually taste the grapes right off the vine!  Incredible stuff!
10/12/2011 02:59:28 pm

Beautiful pictures!

10/12/2011 03:00:28 pm

Certainly looks like you guys did so much in your long weekend there! Your pictures turned out great! And I didn't even bug you for them, even though I checked regularly. Thank you for sharing your runaway trip!!!

D. Ford
10/13/2011 01:40:44 am

I always new you were a whiner! Wait, I meant wino....wait...aah never mind! :-)

11/14/2011 12:28:08 pm

great pics and you even got some of Jeff on here. I really like the one of you in front of the fountain Tanya.


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