11.24.11  Since I was recovering from surgery and needed to lay low for a bit, we hosted Thanksgiving at our house for a small crowd.  We had Gary and Andy down and Tina, Kurt, Kendra and Gretchen.  Thanks for coming everyone!  Jeff and Zach and Kylie did all the cooking, cleaning and clean up.  I didn't have to do a thing!  Thank you honey!  It was different not seeing my Mom and other sisters for the holiday but we had to spread out this year due to different circumstances. Kylie was in charge of taking pictures and she did good but just didn't take many.  None of Jeff, Zach or herself, bummer. 
12/11/2011 12:37:29 pm

Looks delicious. Nice to have everyone else do all the work, huh? Glad you are feeling better!


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