4.27.12-4.29.12  Kylie's spring campout was at Camp Lyle McLeod out in Belfair this year.  This was the place that she camped last year on her week long camping trip in June.  Very fun place with lots of great activities.   We had a scavenger hunt (clues to various places and stickers to put on our paper to show we were there), canoeing, and  archery.  They also did soap carving.  Kylie's team came in 2nd on the scavenger hunt, just minutes behind the first place team and they won 3 bags of jiffy pop popcorn for their troop.  2 other patrols in Kylie's troop placed 3rd and 4th right behind us. Yay!  We had a strong showing there.  We watched the girls do boating and then I participated in the archery in the afternoon.  That was fun and I actually hit a balloon!  Woohoo!  There were 17 girls and 5 moms.  The moms had their own cabin and the girls were in 3 other cabins.  The 1st night 1 cabin of girls was awake at 2:30 am and woke us Moms up with their yelling and carrying on.  So, they got a special chore of cleaning the biffy the next day....eewh!  Kelly (Sydney's Mom) was the 1 who got up in the middle of the night to find which cabin of girls was being loud...thanks Kelly!  The girls were split into 3 groups and they each had their own menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The Moms decided on Sat night that we would have our own dinner so we made red potatoes, carrots, parsnips and chicken in a foil pouch in the box oven and it was delicious! Good weather and great fun!  Another fun girl scout camping trip!
5/7/2012 01:28:29 pm

Looks like fun!?! MMMMaybe not? But okay...yes, I guess it does. I have decided I am a fan of glam-ping! ha! Creating memories though that you wouldn't trade for anything!


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