11.26.11  While I was still recovering from surgery and Zach was at Jordan's birthday party, Jeff took Kylie downtown Seattle to participate in the kid's marathon.  The kids had to complete 25 miles between Sept and Nov.  This included any running during PE, recess or other activities, ie. soccer practice and games.  She also had to do at least 13 do-rights.  Those are like special chores or nice things for others.  On the actual marathon day, they had to run only 1.2 miles.  She did it in 12 minutes or so!  Great job kiddo!  While they were in Seattle, they also went up in the Space Needle, rode the monorail, went to Westlake to visit with Santa, then had lunch and decorated a holiday cookie.  What a fun day!
12/11/2011 12:38:31 pm



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