8.2011  Ok.  This will be the 4th attempt at getting these pictures and post on the blog.  I think I was doing too many pictures so I have decided to break it up a little to see if that will help.  Sorry for the delay in getting this saved.   This past August, the kids were fortunate enough to spend some time with Papa on his sailboat.  Zach left on Tuesday, Aug 16th and spent a few days with Papa heading up to the San Juans to meet the rest of  the Carlsen men in Friday Harbor on Friday night.  They fished and sailed and fixed the boat a little (problem with the sail).  It was great weather and Zach caught tons of humpys!  The Carlsen Men, consisting of Jeff, Darren, Greg and Chandler met them on Friday night and spent the weekend fishing and hanging out and male bonding.  They all had fun.  Darren left Roche Harbor on Sunday morning via seaplane and they all decided that was the quickest way to travel!  Since the men were all leaving on Sunday, Kylie had an opportunity to be on the boat with Papa and Zach for a couple more days as they headed back to Kingston.    So, Kylie and Tanya (that's me) drove up to Anacortes and walked on the ferry to Friday Harbor on Sunday afternoon.  Greg and Chandler took that same ferry back to Anacortes.  The 5 of us, including Papa, had a great fish and chip and burger lunch enjoying the scenery and sunshine.  We enjoyed a cool beverage on the boat as well!  Jeff and I took the late afternoon ferry back to Anacortes and the long drive home to Covington.  Kylie and Zach stayed behind with Papa and fished and motored back to Kingston via LaConnor and Everett.  Kylie even caught her first salmon outside of Humpy Hollow and Zach caught a King salmon just outside of Kingston.  They had so much fun!  Thank you Papa!
9/20/2011 12:30:31 am

It is so cool the kids will have memories of going out with their Papa and uncles and cousins on the fishing trips..


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