Our friends Tracy and Cole Wadley came over for a visit today and brought their brand new puppy to meet us, named Mia.   She was born on September 7, 2010 and they just got her 1 week ago.   She is so cute and fluffy!  Not sure how to spell her mixed breed but she is part bishon and shitzu, I think that 's right.   Anyway, she was a little skittish at first and Rocky was just trying to figure out what this furball was doing in our house.  She tolerated him sniffing her face and then when she was done with that, she put her paw up and curled her lip at him....saying, "enough with that big nose of yours, move away now"!  We all laughed so hard!   Nice to meet you Mia!  Thanks Tracy and Cole for bringing her over today!
D. Ford
12/28/2010 03:45:12 am

I'm waiting for the injury update!!! I want to hear all about it or have you been censored?


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