Jeff participated in a 190 mile relay race that started in Blaine, WA and ended in Langley, WA.  They started on a Friday morning with 12 runners, 2 vans, 6 runners per van. Their team name was Start Slow and Taper From There.  They all had a blast!  They were able to rest some while the other van was running and shower at friends' houses in the area so that was nice.  Overall, the team ran the race in 31 hours and 40 min or so.  (Barbi - is that the right time?)  They ran through the night as well on some of the legs and the race required them to wear reflective vests, headlamps and blinking red lights on their backs.  Jeff said the night run was amazing! Aimee and Christi decorated the vans for the team and they were so creative! The team finished strong and all were tired by the end!  Congratulations to the entire team for a job well done! Click on The Whidbey Examiner logo below to read additional details about the race.
8/6/2011 01:22:31 pm

Look at you all fancy putting a link on there! I don't know how to do that! I am not sure of the official time. I think it was 30 hours something....I learned something.! Yup. I already knew it, but I learned it again!


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