We have arrived!  We are here in Maui for our vacation and the weather has been spectacular!  It was 96 degrees the day we landed.  We had jeans and tennis shoes on and it was super hot!  There is a 3 hour time difference so we are having some trouble adjusting.  Rough life I know! hee hee.  Kylie has been asleep before 8 pm Maui time and us shortly after.  Then we wake up before the sun comes up (Jeff has been waking up at 4 am),  and all of us by 6:30 am.  We are enjoying the scenery from our balcony and the beach has fine white sand!  Our room is amazing (the bathroom is huge), and the pool is great!  Zach and Tanya have gotten a little sunburn (surprise?) and Kylie and Jeff are already tan!  This morning as Jeff was drinking some coffee in the room, he and Kylie spotted a tiny gecko in our kitchenette area!  They don't know where he went though as  he used his cameleon like powers and got away!   So, we are checking our food carefully for our little friend!  As far as the fruity drinks go,  we chose a  nice pina colada to enjoy at the pool yesterday,  to the tune of $13!  Yikes!  We'll just stick to beer!  Off to the pool we go!  Check back for updates!
Barbi Ford
10/20/2010 12:22:58 pm

Looks fabulous so far!!!!!!

Tina Lange
10/20/2010 02:53:12 pm

Wish I was there! loving all the pics!

Jackie Lukezic
10/21/2010 05:38:19 am

Thanks for sharing your pictures, cannot wait to hear all the stories. Enjoy, but do not forget to come back!!

Regina Bigler
10/22/2010 02:56:19 am

When did Zach get so tall? Watch out Jeff. There is so much to do in Hawaii. ENJOY!


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