On Friday, the weather cleared up a bit so Jeff and Kylie put the crab pots back out for a few hours.   We were all happy to see the sun.  Papa Gary, Oma Andrea and our little 3 year old niece Ryan came for a visit.  It was nice to have someone for Kylie to play with and Ryan loves the sand!  They played for a while, even Zach and Matt got in on the sand castle making. Kylie got a hold of the camera and was taking pictures of everything!   We had a wonderful visit with everyone!  We had a delicious dinner of steak, crab, corn on the cob and Oma's famous potato salad.  We actually had s'mores for dessert too which is the first time we had them all week! 
7/21/2011 11:36:18 am

I love the tribute to your grandparents!!! Their beach is so much fun! All kids should be so lucky to have someone so wonderful to go for vacation!!!


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