4.21.12  We had our last soccer game on a wonderful spring and SUNNY day!  It was beautiful out!  Kylie played an absolutely great game and got a hat trick!  She was so excited!  This was the 2nd  game she has scored 3 goals. We had lots of family on hand to watch -  Papa, Oma, Grandma, Al, Andy, and Delaney.  The final score was 6-3 and the girls all played great! Great job kiddo!  Andy (Andrea's son) game Kylie $3 folded in the shape of hat in honor of her 3 goals...very funny! 
5/7/2012 01:29:36 pm

Glad everyone made it! Looks like a great day! Ummmm...whose cute puppy? Check out those puppy eyes!


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