On basketball game days, Zach has to dress up for school.  He has to wear a button down shirt and docker style pants, no shorts or jeans or sweatshirts, which is his usual attire.    Here he is in his dress clothes and in his new sweatshirt and sweatpants.   I haven't taken a picture yet with his basketball uniform on but I will next game.  Doesn't he look handsome?
12/18/2010 03:01:54 pm

Boy does he clean up well. Very Handsome indeed! I love they force them to dress nicely...as it's the only time they will. With force!

12/19/2010 03:51:39 am

Very handsome Zach!! Wow impressive they start the dress code for game days at middle school. Very cool indeed keeps the team all for one right!!! Everyone is a team you lose or win as a team you all dress as a team etc!!! Keep up your hardwork Zach!


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