Jeff and Zach were playing basketball at the gym tonight and as Jeff was coming down from a 360 degree dunk, he landed  wrong and his ankle gave way.   Yikes!  This is even after having ice on it for 20 minutes.  And,  Advil and elevation are already in the works.    Hmmmm, I'm thinking that urgent care may be in our plans for the morning.....we'll keep you posted.
12/18/2010 03:00:02 pm

Sorry to hear of the injury. At least it was doing such an awesome trick...I mean, how embarrassing to have done it just running down the court or shooting a lay up!!! I hope you at least got your dunk in the net! I hope you get well soon. That looks U-G-L-Y!!!

12/19/2010 03:46:07 am

wow Jeff that is a pretty good sprain, just as you know to do, ice, elevate, and relax to heal. Now you can be on the handicap list with me maybe even crutches for you???? Good luck with that!

12/19/2010 03:48:03 am

Happy Birthday Jeff! Yes at least you were doing a cool trick rather than just running better story for you!!!


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