Kylie's girl scout troop hosted the entire service unit bridging event this year at Crestwood.  There were 76 girls that bridged to the next level in their troops with about 50 or so of them in attendance.  Their leaders read off their names and they had to stand up in front of everyone...some posed and some were just embarrassed.  Hmmm, yes, Kylie was a little embarrassed but smiled great anyway.  For being the 3rd highest cookie seller in the service unit, Kylie received a girl scout photo album.  Um, we have 2 already so now we have another.  She really wanted the chapsticks that were cookie scented.  Maybe we'll have to go to the girl scout store in Bellevue one day and she can spend her cookie dough.  Great year Kylie!  We are proud of all your accomplishments.

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