Thinking of my Dad today, and everyday.  Today is the 5 year anniversary of my Dad's passing.  I just want him to know how much I love and miss him still.  I carry his memory in my heart and will forever.  I Love you Dad!
Barbi Ford
10/20/2010 12:27:50 pm

His cheery smile and willingness to help out a crazed neighbor when she thought that the non-used house alarm was coming out the fire alarm...and was calm enough to fix it is missed too! One of my fondest memories of him. He brought down the motorhome for you to use for frib/freezer cuz our power had gone out...he is missed...

Tina Lange
10/20/2010 02:54:10 pm

Missing Dad too - I love you Dad - hard to believe it's been 5 years!


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