12.6.11  Zach's team had an away game at Tahoma Middle School.   I wasn't able to get time off work so got there in the middle of the 3rd quarter.  My friend Carol texted me the updates until I got there.  Sounds like it was a good game and Zach had really great stats!  He had 6 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals and 1 block!  Woohoo!  We won easily   After the 1st quarter, per the coach,  the boys had no fast breaks, passed at least 5 times before shooting, and no back court defense.  The other team just didn't play well.  They were passing to our boys and it was too easy not to steal!  Very good skill game for our team.  Sorry, no pictures for this game either as I came straight from work.

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