I was lucky enough to get the dr's Mariners game tickets and parking pass for this afternoon game.   Since we were given 2 tickets in the terrace section, we bought 2 more so we could bring the kids too.  Jeff and Zach went to the Yankees game earlier in the week and sat in the terrace seats so they thought they'd let us girls sit there and they sat in the outfield.  It was a close game! The final was 7-6 - dangit!  Not in our favor.  We ate hotdogs, kettlecorn and then Jeff and Zach surprised us by bringing chocolate covered strawberries on a stick!  Delicious and so thoughtful!  Thanks gentlemen!  As we were walking out of the stadium, we passed by the Root sports booth and Brad Adam and Bill Krueger were doing a live show.  We stopped and took pictures and several times (probably after our flash went off) Brad looked at us and smiled.  Too funny!  The kids went behind the camera and table and were trying to get on TV. Probably didn't happen.   Haha!  It was a good game.
9/20/2011 12:25:32 am

Fun day! Looks like fall though. Boo! Wish it had been sunny for ya!


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