9.17.11  We knew our hot weather from last week was short lived as fall has really arrived now.  It was only 55 degrees at game time (a whopping 30 degree difference from 1 week ago)!  And, we had 2 girls missing so only 1 sub for the entire game.  The girls came out firing in the first half and played really well, passing and clearing the ball out on defense.  Kylie scored a goal (turned out to be our only score of the game) and it was a nice hard shot!  Yay!  It was tied 1-1 at halftime and then our girls were tired out.  We played soft in the 2nd half and just couldn't get anything going.  The game finished 4-1 with a loss but they played well only having 1 sub.  Good job girls!
9/20/2011 12:24:24 am

You got some really good action shots! One bad thing about soccer...you certainly don't stop for rain/mud. It just "enhances" their experience! Besides the cold, I think the kids like it more...


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