At the 8th grade awards ceremony, Zach raked it in!  He was awarded Student of the Quarter for Geometry, Student of the Year in Woodshop, 4.0 for 8th grade, 4.0 for both 7th and 8th grades, the President's Education Award for outstanding academic excellence and the final one was "Heart of the Mustang" award which was voted on by the teacher's and they nominated the top 5 boys and top 5 girls in 8th grade.  Zach was one of them!  Woohoo!  Jeff was able to get off work and surprise Zach at the ceremony.  Another stellar year for Zach and now he is on to High School next year!  Oh my goodness!  A freshman in the midst!  Great job Zach! We are very proud of you and all your hard work these last 2 years!
6/20/2012 01:14:29 pm

Nice work Zachary!!!! Woot! Woot!!!! Now a freshman!!!!


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