One of the fun things Kylie got to do this week was go to the Kentwood soccer camp for 3 days.  She may have been the oldest camper there but she had a lot of fun.  There were KW boys and girls players there to support the head coach during the camp.  The coach sent a group picture on the last day...not all the campers were there...but it looks like they had a great time!  The student players all signed the kids' t-shirts and wrote some nice things on there.  They were very encouraging and inspiring too.  Kylie wants to go watch some games this year and hopes that she can make the team when she goes there too!  What a great goal to strive towards! Thanks to Zach for taking her to camp and walking her home.
8/4/2012 05:06:06 am

Glad she had fun, some pretty warm days to be up there in the heat though....


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