We celebrated our niece Katie's birthday party with a nice family gathering at Greg and Linda's house.   Greg, the bbq master, made some great chicken and the cousins had a lot of fun playing together.  Papa Gary and Greg are showing off their hair extensions!  These are actually hats with hair sewn into them.....they are a riot!  We all got a good kick out of these!  Katie got some wonderful gifts, lots of girly things of course, and is showing off her cousin Ryan's cool sunglasses.  Not exactly sure what Andrea was doing in this picture but thought it was funny enough to share.
Barbi Ford
10/20/2010 12:28:43 pm

Hope Kylie had a happy happy happy birthday!!!!!!!!! Wow. I can't believe how fast they've all grown and teeny tiny she was when I moved into the neighborhood!

11/26/2010 06:06:34 am

Just for the record, I was NOT about to pick my nose????


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