It's time for the Ragnar Relay race again, all 200 miles of it this year,  and most of the same team from last year signed up again with a few new runners...and the same amount of fun!  Jeff rode in Van 1 with David, Paul, Andy, Andre, and Mid. Poor Mid, David's aunt, was the only female but she held her own in the van with her son Andy keeping her company.  Jeff's van ran the first 6 legs of the race, with Jeff being the first runner out of the gate at 6:00 am Friday morning leaving Blaine to the next checkpoint.  Jeff's first leg was 6+ miles and he kicked some serious butt! He led the race for the 1st 5 miles then gave the lead to the Kenyan runner and finished just seconds after her...seriously though...he kicked butt!  He ran his next leg at about 5:30 pm Friday night and did well again and then his final leg at about 4:45 am Saturday morning.  All the runners in both vans did outstanding!  Here's a few pictures from the van and the runners in Jeff's van.
8/4/2012 05:02:10 am

Great pictures of Van 1!!! Did Jeff take those? Glad Van 2 avoided that awful rain! We had mist, but not rain!


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