10.15.11  Today Zach and I went to the Huskies vs. Colorado Buffalo football game.  My longtime friend, Brehani, came here from Arizona to visit her family, (they also have season tickets.) She let me know last week that she'd be in town and wondered if I was going to the game.  I'm so glad I got to see her!  She looks exactly the same and she is the only friend I keep in contact with from college.  We both lived in the same dorm our freshman year, and believe it or not, after our first year, she moved to California to go to Brooks College to study interior design but we are still friends.  So good to see you my friend!  Oh, and the Huskies kicked some major butt today and beat the Colorado Buffalos 52-24!  Yep - it was a great game!
10/20/2011 01:57:49 am

You look so cute all decked out in your UW attire! And so glad you got to visit with your friend. Teenagers, I tell ya!

11/14/2011 12:23:17 pm

That's great you got to see Brehani!


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