I think the reason Jeff didn't want to go to the doctor today was because he didn't want to spoil is his special day!  He turned 29 again today and he just wanted to relax and that didn't mean in the waiting room of  urgent care.  Anyway, he had a pretty relaxing day, watching football and having a great steak dinner hosted by our great friends, the Ford's.   They gave him a pretty awesome present this year.  In honor of our power going out Friday night at 11:30 pm until 1 pm on Saturday, David and Barbi's Dad, Paul  (with the sleuthing help of me and the kids), hardwired our house so that the next time the power goes out, we just have to do a few simple steps and then turn on our generator, instead of having to run extension cords everywhere and tripping over them just to dry our hair...okay, my hair, I do admit.  Thank you so much!  Saves us a lot of stress for the next time.  Now, we probably won't lose power now for 2 years again, but we're very ready if we do.   Jeff also got some nice presents from us and we all enjoyed his pumpkin pie instead of the traditional birthday cake.  Happy Birthday Jeff!  We love you!

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