At the end of the year is when girl scouts have an award ceremony for the girls bridging to the next level.  Some girls in Kylie's troop bridged from Brownies to Juniors and some went from Juniors to Cadettes.  Almost all of Kylie's friends in her troop earned the prestigious Bronze Award (this is the highest honor you can earn as a Junior and they did it in their first year!)  They had events and activities all year long to accomplish this goal with the big project being collecting books and donating them to a library in Montana that was ruined in a fire.  They also recognized the top 10 cookie sellers this year and Kylie was 7th in our whole service unit!  Very impressive!  Congratulations to all the girls on their accomplishments! 
6/18/2011 11:57:35 am

Congratulations, Kylie, on working so hard to sell so many cookies!


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