The kids worked for several days on their gingerbread houses.  There was a lot of frosting and a lot of candy involved....let's just say they licked off a lot from their fingers and sampled the candy as they were putting it on their houses.  They did a wonderful and creative job!  And, they had fun in the process! 
12/18/2010 03:02:24 pm

Very festive Carlsen kids! I like it!!

12/19/2010 07:23:17 am

Fun!~ We got lucky a couple of weeks ago they were doing gingerbread houses for free at Haggen's so they provided everything for it and no one was in line so it was fantastic she got to do one. Less mess for us! They used small milk carton boxes and put graham crackers around the base of the carton and used frosting to stick and then put a ton of candy to use for decorating! She loved it, but just kept eating it right out of the bowls. :)


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