9.10.11  Kylie's first soccer game of fall 2011 started off as a hot one!  Literally that is!  It was 85 degrees at game time at 2:30 pm.  The girls were exhausted before the game even started....well, us parents were just as hot!  Those poor girls!  They worked hard and ran hard and played pretty well for being our first game together.  Some girls don't have a lot of experience in soccer yet and are still learning but it was still a good game.  Kylie's team name is TNT (stands for Tori - head coach and Tony - assistant coach).  Pretty catchy huh?  Well, we lost 4-3 but a good game overall.   Kylie even scored her first goal of the season, using her left foot even!  Great job Kylie!
9/20/2011 12:26:45 am

Amazing how not that long before, were mentioning how hot it was, then real soccer weather is upon you in no time...ugh.


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