After we left Fort Casey, we headed towards Coupeville to get something to eat.  Our friend Barbi had texted that she and her sister and Jordan were in the kayaks near the wharf if we happened to be close by.  Lo and behold, we found them!  The kids were screaming as they rounded the marina.  What a small world! Anyway, they beached their kayaks, we talked and made a game plan.  We picked up pizzas and went back to Aimee's house to eat an early dinner.   Afterwards, Barbi and Aimee took us on a trail on Aimee's property that leads out to the bluff!   Wow - what a beautiful sight!  We could not believe how striking everything was!  You felt like you could see for miles!  We had a wonderful walk on the trail and the kids made it down a steeper trail to the water and sand below.  They certainly got a good workout on the way up!  Thank you Barbi and Aimee for sharing your part of paradise with us!
7/21/2011 11:33:37 am

I just love the view from the bluff. I think it is a little slice of heaven on earth. Jan used to walk that all the time. It was one of her favorite places. There is a killer hill to get up on the other side and the kids took the hard route down to the beach on Aimee's side. They were troopers though!


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