Kylie's girl scout troop ended the year with an awards ceremony that gave the girls all the patches they had earned this year with all their hard work.  For the 10 girls in Kylie's troop that bridged to the next level, from juniors to cadettes, their leader Sue gave them each a girl scout scrapbook.  Looks like we now have a place for all those pictures we took at Kylie's camping trips!  Great job Kylie!
Our neighbors Josh and Nicole got married on June 3rd and as we were leaving for Wild Waves they mentioned that the limo would be bringing them home by 6 pm that night if we wanted to see Nicole in her dress. Of course Kylie was all over that!  We were home with 10 min to spare and they very graciously let us get our camera and smap a few pictures while poor Nicole had to go the bathroom so bad!  Thanks and happy wedding day!
As one of the rewards for Kylie's girl scout troop for selling to their cookies goals and beyond, the troop voted to go to Wild Waves!  It was an overcast day but that meant for shorter lines for all of us.  I wimped out and didn't accompany them on the rides but Jeff and Kelly did for our group so I was the designated picture taker.  The whole group had so much fun!  We rode the dry rides (roller coasters and stuff) first and then did the wet ones.  Believe it or not, even though it was overcast all day long, Zach managed to get a nasty sunburn on his back, shoulders, chest and stomach.....bad mom I am for not insisting on sunscreen or a swim shirt.  I think the group consensus on the best ride was the log ride at the end of the day.  They must have ridden it about 6 times.  Fun to watch them all have so much fun!