Zach and Kylie are enjoying their Spring Break. They spent the day in Seattle hanging out with their Dad. First they visited the Pike Place Market and then boarded the water taxi and cruised to West Seattle. After a 15 minute cruise across Elliott Bay, they rented bikes and peddaled 2.5 miles along Alki Beach. Had lunch at the popular Spuds Fish and Chips. After lunch they traded in their bikes for kayaks. They paddled around Elliott Bay until it was time to board the water taxi and return to downtown Seattle.  After disembarking the water taxi, they made their way to King Street Station and rode the Sounder train back to Kent. They had a blast!
4/11/2012 10:53:15 am

Who was in charge of the camera??? What fabulous pictures were taken of their big day in the big city! Looks like so much fun! What a perfect day! Glad they went on Tuesday and not Wednesday!!!!!


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